It's hard to believe that we'll have had our swing set for a year come Memorial Day. Besides being there when we purchased it, I wasn't terribly involved. Actually, Jon and I did plan a date night where we worked together on it. What a telling experience....but more on that later.
Jon borrowed Dad Frazier's truck to transport our little girl's dreams home. Yikes! I thought him rather brave to drive the distance with that crate sticking off the back end of the truck as far as it did.
Jon was awesome at documenting each step with pictures so you get to see it all!!
I loved seeing Lydia with those binoculars! She and Soph wanted to be out there putting it together with Dad. Or at least watching the progress. I was there to keep the girls safe and out of the way.

This was about the time of our date night. I really wanted to be involved and helpful. I know that watching the girls while Jon worked was really the most helpful thing I could be doing, but as long as we were planning a date night why not work this into it? Well, I'll tell you why. Not having put a swing set together before, it was a bit of a challenge to delegate tasks to me especially when only one person was required. I mean I was definitely an asset when it came to putting up the rope ladder, and I could retrieve tools for Jon, saving him some time that way, but otherwise I kind of missed having the girls there and feeling really needed. Maybe if we went into the swing set business we could get really great at dividing up the work, but since that isn't likely I'll sit back and watch Jon work his magic.

We could have paid a bit more to have our swing set assembled at our house, saving us time and energy, but that's one of the many things I love about Jon. He's good at putting things together and as long as he is able to do so why pay someone else to do what he can do?
And this was when Jon decided to record the blisters that started forming on his hands. Did it stop him? Of course not!
Lydia was so excited about that red roof! Her little club house coming together for her. Knowing what a great imagination she has I'm sure she was looking forward to the good times she'd have steering her ship on some rough waters or hiding out from wild animals trying to reach her from below or the picnics she'd have with her animals. So much to look forward to!
Sophie was an excellent helper. She LOVED picking up Dad's tools and carrying them around. She also really enjoyed picking up pieces of box that the different parts came in.
Lydia enjoying being up so high!
The slide made it look almost complete. Almost...
And once the swings were up it really was!
Jon's hands needed a good rest after the 14 or so hours he spent assembling it.
Not that he ever complained about his blisters or the time. And how he could he? The looks on these little girls faces made it all worth it.