Monday, November 30, 2015
Black Island Farms
On October 29th Sophie, Mia and I crashed Lydia's field trip along with all the other preschool students' moms in Lydia's class. The kids got to go to Black Island Farms. I'd never been before, but had heard fabulous things about it. Everything I'd ever heard anybody say was true. Despite the cold, the girls had a wonderful time.
They loved the hayride and learning about carrots and sunflower seeds held their attention for a few minutes. When we stopped and they got to hop off the hayride to choose a pumpkin, they were in heaven. Sophie needed to pick a "big" one, so we looked around until she was satisfied. It didn't take her long. Lydia spotted the one she wanted almost the instant she was in the pumpkin patch. After the hayride Lydia's teacher gathered her students for a class picture and I thought I'd take one of them too. When I reached for my phone I realized it wasn't in my pocket. After a quick search in my diaper bag I discovered it wasn't there either. It had fallen out of my pocket sometime after we'd picked our pumpkins. I was a little panicked. I hadn't saved any of the pictures I'd taken since I'd gotten my phone last November. The thought of them just being gone was crushing. Nearly a year's worth of photos. Gone. I returned to our tractor and scanned it without much hope. There was nothing on the floor. As I was resigning myself to never seeing my phone again a Black Island Farm employee was holding it up as he walked through the crowd. He'd just brought a group of kids back from their ride and told me that his tire had come within inches of rolling over my phone. Yikes!! And phew!! I thanked him profusely and rushed back to join Lydia and Sophie so that we could check out the rest of the farm.
The girls and I spotted these bales of hay piled high with slides built on top of them on either end. The girls really struggled to climb them on their own. There was a rope ladder thrown over the bales of hay (that resembled large steps) in between the slides and that certainly made it easier for Lyds an Soph to conquer them, but I still had to assist them the first time up. Once at the top of the slide the girls were passed up by several other kids racing down the slides. Sophie just stood there for a very long time. Lydia finally got up the courage to slide down and realized how much fun it was. She was up that rope ladder in an instant and tried to coax Sophie into sliding down with her. It took much persuasion, but in the end Sophie slid down with Lydia and they both scurried off to do it again. I'm glad they warmed up to it; too bad it happened when I decided we ought to go home.
I was concerned that Mia might be reaching her limit and that getting her home before she realized how hungry she was would be for the best. We were on our way to the exit when they girls noticed the cow bounce house. They begged me to take them over to jump for a minute and Mia was being such a champ that I figured why not. The line was short. The group waiting consisted of Lydia and Sophie and a little girl around their age. Stars aligned. The girls wouldn't enjoy themselves if there were too many kids. They'd definitely struggle if there were lots of older kids. Conditions were ideal. They jumped for a few minutes and that was that. As we were getting shoes and boots back on we were informed that a pig race would be starting across the field in just a few minutes. A pig race?!! What on earth??? When would we ever have the chance to witness a pig race again? Mia still seemed content, so we headed toward the pig race track and found a good spot before everybody else started crowding in. While we waited we watched a goat walk on a long, thin bridge from his fenced in area to the roof of a little barn where the pigs were waiting to start their race. The goats started eating some food that had been placed on the roof and we were all very entertained up until it was time for the race to start. A teenage boy introduced the pigs who would be competing in the first race and the audience was encouraged to choose a pig to cheer for. If we shouted the pigs' names loudly they were sure to race well, but if not the pigs would stop to eat the clovers and lose the race. We cheered for Midnight the first go around. Sadly, he lost, but at least he didn't stop to eat the clovers like some of his competitors. He wasn't last either. Second go around we hoped that Runt would win, and he did! Wahoo!
When I asked Lydia about her fieldtrip she said, "I liked the slide. And when I got home I liked the snack. I liked the bouncy house. I loved the pigs and the goats too. I loved them very much. They are cute too."
Sophie said, "I liked the hayride. I liked getting on the ride. I liked picking my pumpkin and I liked drawing (we did that after the fieldtrip) and I liked the bouncy house and the slide."
Seriously, such a good time at the Farm. From what I saw the cow bounce house was definitely Sophie's favorite. Lydia loved the pig race!! In fact, she loved it so much that for a solid hour she decided that she wanted a pig for a pet instead of a dog. We really enjoyed ourselves. I'm a wimp in the cold and could have left much sooner than we actually did, but I'm glad we stayed. Mia really was a champ!! She was so chill the entire time. Just hanging out in her jammies. They were warm and she just took in the sights and was content to watch her sisters. She stayed happy while we got a quick picture and then she let me have it. She'd clearly had enough and was major unhappy the entire car ride home. Once we made it home and she ate and warmed up it was time for a good long nap. And that was exactly what Mia did. She slept the entire afternoon away and didn't wake up until sometime after 7:00 that evening. What an exhausting day.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Amazon woman- 4 months stats
August 27th |
So her stats are:
Weight: 11.5 pounds, 10%
Length: 26.5 inches, 99%
She grew four inches in two months! The nurse was pretty amazed to see such growth, so she measured her twice. And the results were the same. Jon and I had noticed that she seemed really long. One of our neighbors actually asked if she was a tall baby. Being in the 99th percentile would project her to be 5'11" when she's fully grown. Ha! Wouldn't that be something?! Our doctor says to take these measurements with a grain of salt. Knowing who Mia's parents are makes him a little skeptical that our daughter could be so tall. I suppose only time will tell.
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October 22nd |
I know I've mentioned her dimple before, but I seriously can't get enough! She's got the best smile ever. When I get close to her she opens her mouth super super wide and flails her arms and legs. I love that she does that! Makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world to her every time she does it. I love that she's such a happy baby. She's started giggling at her sisters in the last few weeks. Both Lydia and Sophie are champs at making her laugh. She loves it when they run up to her or jump up and down. Sophie spitting in her general area is hilarious, apparently. Jon made her laugh like crazy the other night. He started out by looking at her, then away and then suddenly getting right back in her face. It brought on such a fit of giggles, I wish I'd recorded it! I love the sound of her laugh!!
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October 20th |
Also, she seems to love all things white. I'd feel fairly confident in telling you that it's her favorite color. ;) At least she puts all the white things that she can get her hands on into her mouth. I think it might be because most of her swaddling blankets are white. She tried to put Jon's white pajama shirt in her mouth the other day. Let's be honest, she's not super particular about what goes into her mouth, but if she did get choosey we're pretty sure that if it's white it's gonna make the cut. Just about everything she touches ends up soaking wet. She is one cute slobber monster. Her fists are constantly covered in drool. Her clothes are often drenched under her chin. Especially if she's able to get them up into her mouth. I put her in some pajamas a little early one evening and she'd soaked them within an hour. We found out at her checkup that the drooling and putting everything into her mouth is not an indication of teething. Phew! ;)
September 7th |
So she won't take a pacifier. Lydia didn't until she was six months and it was a nightmare to wean her from it. Sophie never did take a pacifier. She still self soothes by sort of sucking her tongue or something...? It's kind of hard to describe, but she makes these sucking noises that let us know she's either asleep or will be shortly. Anyway, Mia isn't a fan of the pacifier but Jon hasn't given up yet. There are moments when it'd be really nice if she'd take one, but I think I prefer it this way. Of course if she changes her mind, I won't object.
September 17th |
She's joined us at the dinner table and seems to really enjoy sitting with us. She doesn't necessarily seem to be interested in food, but she likes to look at everyone. We do tummy time quite regularly and she's hurtled the pillow we use to prop her up. She's on her way to crawling! She also grabs a fistful of my hair every chance she gets. One of our neighbors commented that she looks so tiny, but is doing big baby things! She's fun to watch and there are a few women at church who request to hold her each Sunday. She sure thinks she's a big girl. Besides sitting at the dinner table she's become quite the chatty Cathy. She's made a habit of cooing through movies and babbling about clearly very important things. Up until last night she's kept her baby talk to waking hours. Last night, however was something special. From about 4:00 am to 5:00 she was babbling and cooing in the cutest little voice. She wasn't upset or sad, as far as I could tell, but she sure was determined to stay awake and tell me all What's not to love about this little darling?? I can't think of a single thing.
This was taken just a few days after she reached four months. I love it. It's a favorite of these two, and Mia's smile. So sweet.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Mia's Blessing Day
Little Mia was blessed on September 13th, a week shy of her reaching three months. The day was beautiful. Warm with clear skies. Everything came together splendidly. Both sets of Grandparents arrived at our house before church to stock our fridge and see if they could be of help. As a result Lydia and Sophie rode to church with Grandma and Grandpa Frazier and made sure that Mia and I had a seat when we arrived.
Mia cried through the entire blessing. So uncharacteristic of her! She has such a sweet personality and is so cheerful and calm. She smiles all the time. Perhaps the Grandpas and Uncles bouncing her to calm her during the blessing had the opposite effect. Fortunately no permanent damage was done. She was back to her happy self soon after the blessing was over. I imagine she wanted to get out of her dress sooner rather than later, but she didn't fuss too much.
Grandma Blackhurst took notes of the blessing and this was what was recorded:
Heavenly Father, by the power of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we bear and in the name of Jesus Christ, we take this infant in our arms to give her a name and a blessing. The name we have chosen is Mia McKenzie Frazier. Mia, I bless you with health and strength. You have been given a body and an opportunity to be here on this earth. I bless you as you grow to develop a love for learning. I also bless you with a love for gaining knowledge of the gospel and of your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Seek knowledge out of the best books. Look to the examples of your older sisters. Know that they will also look to you for an example at times in their lives when they will need it. I bless you to enjoy your time on this earth and to be respectful of the importance of the earth-life experience. Be a peacemaker and seek to love those around you. Center your life in the gospel of Jesus Christ and seek to share your testimony with others. Know of the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you. Be a seeker of all good things. I leave these blessings with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Bishopric wives spoke on the family and before Dori Bowman gave her talk on marriage she commented on how she felt like the veil had been so thin while Jon was blessing Mia. The meeting had a really sweet spirit throughout and I loved the messages these good women shared. Family. What a perfect topic for Mia's big day.
We appreciated all the family that were able to come and support us. They included: Grandma and Grandpa Frazier, Cathy, Caleb, Brynlie and Brandon. Stacey, Lance, Connor and Eric. Grandma and Grandpa Blackhurst, Will, Summer, Ben, James, and Madison. Isaac and Amber. Jarom, Brittany, Leila and Darius. Uncle Tophe and Uncle Nate. We missed all the Aunts and Uncles and cousins who live so far away.
Some favorites of our little doll to this point include her smile!!!!!!!!! So in love.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can't get enough of her huge open mouth grins. Her kicky legs. She is so strong!! I may be biased in saying that, but I can't believe how badly this little lady wants to stand up. And not just for a second. All. The. Time. Her legs really are strong. She's holding her head up so well and I love to see her watching her sisters.
Lydia's First Day of Preschool 2015
Lydia started her second year of preschool on the 8th of September, the day after Labor Day and just after we returned from Oregon. She loves Ms Bonnie, her teacher. There are more boys in her class than there are girls, but she's friends with them so it's okay. More on that in a minute. And starting that first day she and Soph were playing school as soon as was humanly possible. She LOVES LOVES LOVES school!!! And we missed her while she was gone. Sophie told me that she missed her a lot, so she and I made tortillas while Lydia learned about the letter Aa and Apples.
Jon and I were given some paperwork to fill out after her first day of school. We were reminded how much she's bothered by other people crying. Also, that she's a little peacemaker and wants everyone to be happy. For example when she gets to choose what color of plate she wants for dinner she'll wait for Sophie to say which color she wants (even when she gets to choose first) and then choose the other one. She's had enough experiences with choosing what Sophie wants that she'd rather not fight that battle. It's seldom that she cares enough to fight for a certain color or thing. It's much more important that everyone is happy. She also gets a feel for the environment before she decides how to act. It's been really interesting to see her go into a setting and just wait a few minutes before talking to anyone or finding a toy to play with. I wish I could sneak into her Primary class and observe her without her knowing I was there.
Before we left for Jon's business trip in Colorado (later September) Lydia told Sophie that she needed to ask her something. And the conversation went as follows:
Lydia, "Soph, do you like boys?"
Me: Eyes bugging out.
Jon: "BOYS??!!??!!??!! You're not allowed to like boys!!!!!"
Lydia: Insta tears.
Then Lydia told me that she didn't want to be a teenager, but she did want to be an adult with her own kids and we had all sorts of interesting conversations about growing up and how it'd be nice if she enjoyed being a little girl for a few more years. She's 4 going on 14. Or maybe 4 going on 24. Depends on the day.
More recently she told me that she "needs to marry someone she loves." I readily agreed with her and was only a little surprised when she continued with, "Gabe. I think I'll marry Gabe." Gabe was in her preschool class last year, and we were in the same ward until the ward boundaries changed. I sent his mom a heads up that Lydia wanted to marry her son. She responded that we'd have beautiful grandchildren. And then, "Gabe says that if that's what Lydia wants, he's in." That girl....
She's become quite the storyteller. Not long ago she told me a story about a witch eating our family (minus herself) and then eating our house and our neighborhood. And then finally the whole world. Don't you worry. That was not the end of the story. When that happened (the whole world getting eaten by the witch) she would simply have to get in our family car and drive it herself all the way to another world. And where, you may ask, is this other world? The answer to that question my friends, is Oregon. :)
I love so many things about her. She's taken to whispering "shots" around Mia. When we all got our flu shots she even learned to spell it for a day so that she wouldn't scare Mia with that horrifying word. She thinks she can walk to and from school on her own. Yeah... I don't think so. She still loves us to read to her. I love you Stinky Face is her current favorite. She has gotten plenty of inspiration from The Berenstain Bears just like Soph. The maps they drew of our house to Oregon were amazing. She's written some very sweet notes to her dad that we put in the mailbox so that he could get a surprise when he came home from work. On one of those days I texted him to check the mailbox again when he came home. He's already gotten the mail when he came home for lunch, but we all needed him to get that awesome surprise. She's thoughtful, loves to make Mia giggle and we find her saying, "goochy goochy goo!!" to her all the time. She's sounding out words like STOP. POT. TOP. She wrote BALL and drew a picture to go with it the other day, and we've begun reading from Dick and Jane. School suits her well.
When I asked her what she likes about school this was her response, "The white and orange dogs (she plays with these during free time. Apparently they belong on a farm) and the letter P. I like Miss Bonnie. I like getting in line to get you when you and the other moms come to pick us up. I like my school friends."
Monday, November 2, 2015
Oregon 2015
We had such a good time in Oregon with Aunt Jess and Uncle Derek seeing all that the coast has to offer last year that we had to go back! Jon was sent to Portland for a leadership training in April and he and I were really hoping that the dates would coincide with Jess's Spring Break. Unfortunately they did not. So Jon got to meet up with Jess and Derek for lunch on his last day there and I got to see... pictures... So we immediately started planning a trip around Labor Day before Jess would be teaching again.
We left for Oregon on August 29th. Mia was more than two months at that point and that was comfortable. Earlier than two months and the thought of traveling with her would have stressed me out more than I would have liked. Not to say I wouldn't have done it, but stressful. As it was, she struggled in the car. S T R U G G L E D. We were honestly stopping every hour and a half once we hit the afternoon. The morning stops hadn't been that often and we even visited some friends of ours who live in Meridian (right outside Boise) and she did well for up until then and the visit itself, but our projected arrival time just kept getting pushed back until I was thinking it'd be Sunday sometime before we rolled into the Stott place. And poor little Mia was super upset, just yelling at the top of her lungs in the hopes that we'd help her. Unfortunately these moments always seemed to be when there were no rest stops. We figured out a much better schedule on the return trip, but it was a happy happy day when we arrived at Jess and Derek's. Right around midnight.
We went to church with Jess and Derek and the girls did great without Jon and me in their class, likely due to the fact that they had the best primary teachers ever!! Uncle Derek and Aunt Jess. Lydia came home talking about their lesson, wishing she could be in their class each Sunday. The ward was really friendly and the lessons were great. Jon and I even made a Philippines connection. Not really, but we met a Filipina and ended up talking to her for quite a while. She'd just returned home from visiting her family in the Philippines and loved finding out that we'd served there. My Cebuano is ridiculously rusty, but it was still fun to speak a little bit and know that not all has been forgotten.
Jess made this awesome tomato soup from scratch and we had grilled cheese on her awesome homemade bread. She was getting pretty fancy with the cheeses while we were there. I took note and will try to spice things up a little more in my cooking from here on out. There's something about not planning meals or cooking each one that made eating every meal a real treat. So... forgive me for talking about food so much, but at least now you have been warned. After lunch Mia and I napped while Jon, Derek and the girls went for a walk. They came home so excited to tell Jess and me about how Uncle Derek had saved them from the Evergreen Forest!! Really though, he truly was a hero. Jon said that had he and the girls been walking on their own they would have made it home eventually, but probably not as timely as they did, so thank goodness Uncle Derek was there!
Dinner with Derek's family was like spending time with our family. They're the best. Honestly. They treat us like family when we see them and I love it. Dinner was delicious. Salmon, salad, seasoned potatoes. Derek's Grandma brought over this S'mores cake and Brittany made these peanut butter cookies that I didn't eat nearly enough of. Basically the food was fantastic (it was fantastic the entire trip. Jess even sent me a meal plan outlining breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week that we'd be staying with them. A. I can't believe how organized she is and B. Talk about tasty!!) and the company was even better, which is definitely saying something. Lydia and Sophie had been talking about Raja and Gretchen before we'd even made it to Oregon, and couldn't wait to see them. They were a little disappointed when Raja (the Stott's cat) remained hidden, but watching Gretchen outside from inside the kitchen just about made up for it. Last years introduction to these furry little friends clearly made an impression on them. What a fantastic start to our week!
Monday we went to Tillamook for lunch and a tour. We peered through the windows at the huge bricks of cheese made there, sampled their cheddar, took pics of the girls sitting in the Tillamook bus, and then sat outside enjoying some ice cream. There was a group on the table next to us, obviously watching our girls, and they finally admitted to doing exactly that. "Don't mind us! We think your girls are the cutest and are really enjoying watching them eat their ice cream." We finished up, went to the gift shop for a magnet and headed to the beach. I actually stayed in the car to feed Mia (we found ourselves there did quite often throughout the trip which made for some great bonding and memories), but Jon took Lyds and Soph out to enjoy the sand for a few minutes, which they did. Briefly. Sophie found a stick and decided to "tap" Lydia on the head with it. The beach fun came to an abrupt stop and we decided to head back to Jess and Derek's. Jess whipped together this amazing enchilada bake that was super delish.
Tuesday morning we woke up to crepes. Mmmmmm.... Again, amazing. Who is Jess anyway??! Oh, I should mention that our sleeping arrangement were spectacular. Jon, Lydia and Sophie were meant to share the one air mattress that inflated to about two feet off the ground, but Lydia elected to sleep on the floor. Go figure. Surprisingly, she loved it there! Not really surprising, actually, but still... I'm sure it had something to do with keeping the peace with Soph, and bless Lydia's heart, she really is a peacemaker. And then Mia and I shared the other air mattress next to the window. She slept so well that first night. And after the day in the car that she'd had, who could blame her?? Jon read Berenstain Bear books to the girls after scriptures and prayer. I love it so much that these girls love to be read to, even if they choose the same stories night after night after night. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when they don't want us to read to them anymore. For not I'll pretend that that's not going to happen. Ever. Also! Lately Lyds and Soph have been waking up to tell us their latest nightmares. It's actually been going on for a while now and I remember the first nightmares were about dragons and Maleficent. There have been bats and witches and scary bears too. The latest involved a witch, and a curse resulting in Mia being born with an elephant's trunk, ears and feet. I let them watch the beginning of Penelope a little prematurely and sincerely regret it. We've had several discussions about curses and pig faces and gone over the difference between real and imaginary many, many times. This time they dreamt about talking candy monsters. Halloween on the brain, I think.
Once we got going we headed for the city and the Rose gardens. I have great memories of the rose gardens in Spokane and was curious to see how these compared. They were beautiful of course!! There was some filming going on and we were asked to stay away from certain areas, but that didn't stop Jon from taking some great pictures. We enjoyed watching the girls smell the roses and play in the water. They could have gotten soaked but didn't! Strangers commented on Lydia and Sophie's hair and the fact that we have three girls. "Three girls?! Are you going to keep trying for a boy??" It was interesting looking back on the trip to think that we sort of stuck out. Three kids alone was enough to do that which just cracks me up. Three kids, really?? But the fact that we don't have brightly colored hair or tattoos kind of added to that standing out-ness.
Next we'd planned to find the park where there are statues of Ramona, Henry and Ribsy, but we ran out of time. Maybe next year! So we headed back to our home away from home and Jon took Lydia and Sophie to the pool while I took care of Mia. Lydia loved just standing in the hot tub, so pleased that her feet could touch the bottom. Both she and Soph had a great time swimming. These girls love love love the water!! So much! In any form. Taking baths is a delight. Filling up their cups either at the sink or from the fridge is a joy. I don't quite understand it, but I do love seeing the joy on their faces and am glad they enjoy it so much. Anyway, once we gathered for dinner I literally inhaled Jess's mac and cheese. Had to talk myself down from finishing off the entire dish. Then Jon and Derek started playing Mario Cart and the girls got lost in creating some artistic masterpieces. Seriously, crayons and paper keeps these ladies happy and busy. Add to that watching some Mario Cart and it made for a perfect evening.
We'd spotted a lighthouse from the Sea Lion Caves and decided to check it out. Getting up there required us to hike a bit. Jon carried Mia in the bjorn and he and I took turns carrying Lydia and Sophie for parts of the journey if they needed a break from hiking on their own. Once we made it to the top we had this beautiful view of the beach and the ocean. We were invited to join a tour of the light house and stepped inside to find out all sorts of interesting facts about this structure that was nearly a century and a half old. Parts of it still being made from original materials. It was pretty interesting to find out how they hauled materials up the mountainside after they'd traveled by boat for miles and miles. I really like lighthouses and learning about the keeper of the lighthouse and what was required of him and how much he was paid was rather fascinating.
Once we wrapped things up at the lighthouse it was pretty evident by the looks on Lydia and Sophie's faces that they'd reached their limit. Why weren't we at the beach digging in the sand already??!! So we drove along the coast for a few minutes, found a beach that wasn't experiencing high tide and dug to our hearts content. I wasn't too involved in the digging, but Mia and I enjoyed watching Jon and her big sisters race out to the water, wade for a minute, and then race back to dry land before the waves tried to snatch them. They really are incredibly entertaining and I can see why Mia is content to watch these girls for hours and hours. We couldn't actually stay for hours because we had such a long drive ahead of us, but we'd be back for more sand and more water another day. Like tomorrow.
Thursday we went to see Jess's school. It was so great to check out where she spends her days and get an idea of what that's like for her and her students. We met some of her coworkers and then Lydia and Sophie took turns spinning on a swivel chair and chasing each other around the classroom trying to avoid the chairs that were scattered around. It was the perfect obstacle course. I love watching them play together and especially can't get enough of the giggles! The school holds staff meetings in Jess's room. That would have been so intimidating for me, but Jess was putting up a bulletin board while we were there and things were looking fabulous!
After that we headed off to Cannon Beach. Sigh! We could have spent our entire trip here based on how much fun the girls had last year. I say girls, but let's be honest. I mean Jon. ;) He definitely didn't get enough time at the beach last year so we headed out this year knowing that if all we did was go to the beach our trip would be a success! We loved spending every minute she was able to join us with Jess and understood that Derek had to work during the day and couldn't join in our fun like last year. The girls thought that Jon was going to work with Derek since that's what he does all day! And it was a little surprising (or should I say ridiculously awesome!) for them to get to spend all their time with him. Anyway, we made it to Cannon Beach and pulled out our double BOB. I strapped Mia to me in the bjorn and the girls took turns riding in the stroller and running on the sidewalk. We found a place to eat and enjoyed our sea food before heading to the beach. And that is when the beach fun really began! The shovels and pails were put to good use. Between that and the water these girls were in heaven. They'd run from the waves with either Jon or me, loved "almost" getting wet (they were actually pretty soaked after running from some of the waves) and the squeaky noises their feet made when they ran on the wet sand never got old. They even made sand angels! Mia and I joined in as much as we could and Jess took turns taking pictures with Jon and me. Way too soon it was time to go home, but not before finding the Crepe shop and sharing one filled with strawberries, bananas, Nutella and cream. It took us probably an entire half hour to clean the girls off and realize that we should have brought an extra set of clothes for them to change into after all that sand and water. Tomorrow! We'd remember to do that tomorrow!!
Once we were back in the car they were out pretty quickly. They'd played hard, so that was no surprise, and letting them rest before our fun night plans was probably for the best. Jon and Derek were going to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner so that they could see the Utes play Michigan while we ladies ate at home and then shopped. Jess made this scrumptious spinach artichoke dip and then this guy came to the door selling vacuums. Jess is the sweetest!! I think this guy was sure he was about to make a sale simply because Jess is the epitome of friendly. She was so nice to him but finally let him know that we were about to head out. He really wanted to clean something and offered to do our dishes really quick (I'm sure it counted for something if he did) but we told him that we had a sleeping baby and sorry, but no. Anyway, we did leave pretty quickly after that and arrived at Kohl's shortly. Lydia and Sophie were really excited to see the stuffed animals and books that they've seen at our local Kohl's at that store as well. They also really enjoyed running around and hiding in the clothing racks. We'd been there maybe five minutes when Lydia needed to go to the bathroom, so we rushed to the back of the store and she went. Not five minutes after we'd returned to Jess, Soph and Mia, Lydia realized she had to go again, so we raced to the back of the store again and she went again. We returned to shopping when Lyds realized she hadn't finished taking care of business so, once again we found ourselves hustling to the back of the store. When we exited the restroom for the third time Sophie was there (with Aunt Jess and Mia) requesting to use the potty. So basically we spent the majority of our girls night out in the restroom. No matter. It was still a fun night and an adventure and Jess is a fabulous shopping buddy. We left with some good finds and when we returned to our home away from home we found out that Utah had defeated Michigan, so Jon especially had had a good night. Lydia and Sophie asked Aunt Jess for some more paper and crayons and drew some beautiful pictures before watching Jon and Derek play Mario Cart and finally falling asleep. Lots of rainbows and snowmen. Two of their specialties.
Friday Jess made this awesome French toast, that once again I inhaled, before we headed off for another, and final, fun filled day at Cannon Beach. We saw a family that made me feel right at home. The dad was on his bike with a toddler sitting behind him. The mom had a baby in a front carrier and there was an older child riding around on his bike not far beyond his parents. We saw them once we arrived and then again at the beach, and I realized that even though they stuck out there, I'd expect to see a family just like them riding through our neighborhood at home.
The girls got right into playing in the sand. They chased any bird that was brave enough to come within 30 feet of us. I'm not sure who was more frightened, Sophie or the birds, despite both Lydia and Sophie chasing them. Lydia claimed to want to pet them, but I'm pretty sure she would have hightailed it away if any of the birds had given her an opportunity to reach out to them. Jon made a sweet sand castle that was demolished just after I captured a picture of it; and perhaps part of it was hit hard before then. It was more of the same glorious day we'd spent there Thursday. Lots of jumping in the water and running from waves, digging in the sand and people watching while Jess and I chatted. Mia was content to sleep for the most part, but when she was awake she appeared to enjoy watching her sisters run around. I must admit, they are incredibly entertaining. And once again, far too soon, it was time to leave the beach. Both Jon and I remembered the delicious taffy we enjoyed all the way home last year and for weeks after our return home, so we made a stop at the candy store and bought some. We'd actually remembered to bring an extra set of clean clothes this time and de-sanded the girls the best we could before helping them change. I think the ride home was more pleasant for them this time around, but maybe not. They slept again and were probably so tired that it wouldn't have mattered how wet, dry or sandy they were; they were fast asleep in dreamland.
The girls got to play around in more water when we got back to Jess and Derek's because A. We wanted them relatively clean for the long car ride home the following day, B. Despite our best efforts to rid them of the sand and ocean they were still a bit beachy, and C. They love playing in the water! Have I mentioned that yet? So this bath time was a win for everyone. Jon and I worked on packing up as much as we could so that we'd at least have a little bit of a head start the next day. Jess and I talked long after the girls went to bed which wasn't nearly long enough and I finally forced myself to turn in so that I wouldn't be a complete wreck when it was time to wake up, pack up and head out in the morning.
We woke up at a decent time on Saturday, but still left later than planned. The week went by much much too quickly and saying goodbye to Aunt Jess and Uncle Derek wasn't very fun. They were so good to us and staying at their place was the best. We waved and waved and waved to them and hope to see them soon! We had better plans for helping Mia enjoy the car ride this time around and found that feeding her immediately once we stopped and then again right before we got back on the road was just what she needed. She'd sleep really well or just be content enough to look out the window if we did things right. This worked especially well at meal times. No matter how hard we tried to make lunch or dinner a quick stop it always took at least an hour. I don't know how Jon manages to drive these long distances so well. Especially since the second I'm in the car I seem to be in danger of falling asleep, but I sure appreciate him for it. We were driving along sometime in the afternoon when Jon opened a taffy and popped it in his mouth. Lydia, from the back of the van, was suddenly exclaiming, "what is that delicious smell I'm smelling??" Jon told her it was a taffy. Her response? "It smells so good!! It really smells amazing!" This might have continued a little bit longer until Jon finally asked, "Lydia, would you like a taffy?" "YES! YES!!" Which led Jon to saying that she was being such a girl. I didn't teach her that. Totally inherent... The rest of the trip went rather smoothly other than it taking a long long time. We rolled in after midnight, but we did make it home.
Soph's big regret was not painting her nails with Aunt Jess. She has mentioned it multiple times since coming home and has talked of returning to Oregon to do just that. As we were walking through our neighbors backyard one morning to pick Lydia up from preschool she asked me if that was where Jess and Derek lived. I wish sweetheart. I wish. Jess, you are officially invited to paint nails with us the next time we're together. Let us know if you're in. :)
I asked Lydia what she liked about Oregon. She replied, "that was fun fun fun. We drew pictures and pictures and pictures."
Sophie said, "I liked the cheese factory and I liked drawing at Jess and Derek's, sleeping at Jess and Derek's and eating at Jess and Derek's and I liked driving to their house. And I liked the carousel and I liked the beach."
Not sure I remember going to the Carousel, but aside from that I liked all of those things too!
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