Jon gave Lydia a school blessing for family night the night before school started. In it she was blessed with a happiness and excitement for learning and growing and experiencing new things. "As you start school I bless you to make friends and be an example to them. Some may not share your same values or have the gospel in their lives. You will be someone who follows Jesus. You're a good person who makes good choices. Respect your teacher. Be a good student. Your teacher will love you as we do. Your mom and dad love you so much. Feel comfortable talking about things that happen in your class, including all the sad, all the good and all the things that happen in class. Pay attention. School will be difficult. Things will be hard, but as you listen and ask for help you can master those things. Be an example to your sisters. Show them what a good student does. Your Heavenly Father loves you so much. You're a good person. He's proud of the decisions you're making. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
When Lydia was done Sophie decided she wanted to have her school blessing right then and not wait for school to start in September, so that's what we did! I'll include that in her first day of preschool post.
On Tuesday July 26th (so strange to be sending Lyds to school in July!) Jon and I got to attend Lydia's first day with her. There were stations set up where she got to tour the school and find out where she'd be going to art, computers, library and PE. She made a beaded necklace (probably her favorite activity that day) that would have her name and number on it and help keep track of her when school ends each day. I filled out a questionnaire to help her teacher, Ms Shelley, get to know her and at the end of the day she joined her class on the carpet for a few minutes (Lyds insisted I sit by her) and learned their farewell song. We were told that the kids would start learning Spanish immediately and are so excited for Lydia to have this opportunity.
Lydia didn't have to go back until Thursday for testing. She spoke loud and clear. I got to be in the room with Sophie and Mia who quietly looked at books while we waited. I learned that we need to work on blending word sounds and thought she did a really good job overall. Ms Shelley let her choose a prize from her basket and Lydia walked away with a slap it bracelet. Later that night (after back to school night when Britt (our favorite sitter) babysat) Lydia wrote the following:
We were told not to spell words for her anymore, something that's a bit of a struggle since Lydia is very meticulous, but she's getting there! I just love her enthusiasm and hope that it continues in regards to school.
Friday was her first day of school on her own. Her good friend Lily is in her class (she lives right across the street), Gabe and Gavin are too (friends from preschool). She wore her gumball necklace (a gift from her primary teacher) for her comfort since her teacher sent home expectations that toys not be brought to class. She's always held a little toy in her hand since nursery that has made going to class easier for her. It took some discussion and brainstorming, but we thought these necklaces would prove to be a good replacement for the little toys she's grown accustomed to. We got the girls bathed before school, had a snack (apples and peanut butter ritz) and put her hair up in a braid crown. We took some picture of Lydia with her friend Lily and a few of her by herself. A little boy started crying when they lined up and Lyds lost it. Lots of tears. She hugged me so tight and wouldn't let go. Ms, Shelley took her hand but when she realized she was leading her to the little boy who was crying she pulled back hard. She did not want to be anywhere near the crying that bothers her so much. In the end, she made it into the classroom and I only almost cried a little bit while she was gone. Sophie and I made a pie on Monday the following week and I can't believe how hard the adjustment has been for me. It was so silly when we finished mixing the filling that I got a little emotional that Lydia wasn't there to lick the beater! Both Sophie and I missed her, but I'm pretty sure Mia was okay with the other beater being freed up for her. :) I'm excited for Lydia. She's growing up, and though it makes me a little bit sad it's what we do and she's having some great adventures!

Little update: Lydia has been bringing home books for several weeks now (It is mid October) and is reading like a champ. Her teacher has her rate the books she brings home and we've discovered that on ballet days she almost always gives them a lower ranking. Pretty sure she's worn out by the time school ends and books she'd enjoy on other days never seem to be as good on Wednesdays. I love hearing her read though. All of us do. Sophie joins in and Mia likes holding the books.
Lydia's first SEP went really well. The school does ST math which is a problem solving based math where the kids work on an iPad and solve as many puzzles as they can in a set given time with no instruction outside of what they deduce themselves. Lydia loves doing the puzzles she's already figured out but will spend lots of time trying to solve more difficult ones for her in the same way over and over again, so her teacher set a goal with her to progress in solving those puzzles and to work on her writing. She loves asking Ms Shelley to spell things. Her illustrations are awesome, it's figuring out how to put the story on paper that is a little bit daunting for her. Ms Shelley also told us that she can count on Lydia to bring in sunshine and butterflies. This little lady is so positive and cheerful! How can anyone not love that about her?!