So Halloween was a little bit different last year. The night before our very packed and exciting day Mia came down with pink eye.
Jon got to go see Lydia perform at school with the rest of the first grade in their Halloween concert. She did a great job! And being the sweet and considerate girl that she is, she took off her witch hat so that she wouldn't be blocking any of her classmates. Love her!
Sophie had a great time at her class party. Her teacher said she didn't need any help so we stayed away and enjoyed hearing about it later. Couldn't have gone with Mis'a pink eye anyway! And then she got to come with me to Lydia's. Jon was able to stay home with Mia so I could do what I needed to at school. Being the room mother I got to plan it and we had plenty of support from the other parents. One of the moms volunteered to do face paint but couldn't stay the whole time so I got to fill in for her while she was away. And I tried out my skills on Sophie first. I definitely could use some practice but the kids loved it and the party in general was a smashing success! Two classes and forty some odd kids. I love being in the classroom again! So glad that everything came together.
And the actual trick or treating was the best. As always. Trips to the grandparents to start the evening. Late afternoon, actually. Nothing terrifying happened at either grandparents. Which was a bit of a shock and rather unusual after previous years encounters. And Uncle Tophe offered to watch the house. So nice that we could all go out together! Mia kept saying, "This is fun!" after trick or treating at each house. Until she didn't.
And just because I can't resist. Let's talk about our pumpkin carving for a minute. Sophie's sweet Primary teachers (Brother and Sister Hayes) gutted pumpkins for her and her entire Primary class. Soph told me how she wanted the face to look and I went to work. I know I'm not a pro. Jon is. And he's had so much fun letting the girls choose which Halloween picture they want transferred onto their pumpkins. And they always look so professional! But this year we had an extra unaccounted for pumpkin that was gifted to us and I went to work on it.
Basically it's a reject. A total reject. Poor guy wants to be part of the cool kids. But as you can see he's separated from the others by Sophie's broom. He's not sitting in front of any of our girls. Can we just talk about this for a minute? It would seem that everything I put my hand to turns to dust. Or just sadness. Jess tried to make me feel better by saying he's the cute goofy pumpkin friend. So sweet.
I'm going to tell myself that...