Sophie scare

So, super scary incident on March 11th. The week before that Sophie ran a fever most of the week. We were pretty sure it was due to teething and weren't terribly worried about it, but it was still a concern and definitely not fun to see her in that state; super lethargic and sluggish. Not the Sophie we know and love. Anyway, Jon took her to the doc on Friday that week and was told that if the fever continued another two days that she might have a bladder infection and we'd need to do a catheter and run some tests. Fortunately we weren't to that point yet. At any rate, we made it through the weekend and her fever broke and all seemed to be well. She was weak, but seemed to be on the mend. And then on Tuesday I brought her in to shower with me. We were just finishing up when Sophie screamed, threw her head back and went limp. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she was completely lifeless. I totally panicked. I rushed out of the shower, set her down all the while wondering what to do once I called 911 if she wasn't breathing. What if her heart had stopped?? What if my phone dropped the call?? What if I couldn't revive her?? What if...?? What if...?? What if...?? Fortunately once I set her down her eyes opened and she was breathing. She was completely drained of color, but she was alive. That lifeless little form is something I'll never forget, but she was alive. She wasn't moving, but she was looking around and so I immediately called Jon, who had me call her doctor while he rushed home. I knew if he held it together I could. However once we were told to go to the ER we both lost it. Jon and his dad gave Soph a blessing and Jon's mom watched Lyds while we drove to McKay Dee. Everyone there was real sweet with her and just loved her. The doctor kept calling her Beauty Queen and told her she looked like Betty Boop. Her physical exam checked out and she was told that she was perfect. Nothing amiss. He didn't want us to feel that we'd come for nothing, so he told us our options and asked what we wanted to do from there. Given that CT scans are full of radiation and could lead to leukemia in the future (there's enough research to back that up) and we chose not to do that. Blood work required putting her under and our doc said we may as well do a CT scan at that point, which left taking a urine sample and running some tests. But that required a catheter. He told us that it would give us lots of info and we would have a better idea of what the next step would be. What could we do? We opted to test her urine- so horrible!! Poor Soph! Thankfully we brought her pink bear with us and Jon had the sense to set it right beside her while the nurses did what they had to do. And then we waited. And waited. And waited. We weren't sure if we'd get the results right away, but finally the report came and her urine was spot on clean and perfect. Basically she's perfect, so why did she pass out? Our doc said without Sophie being able to talk to us and without him having been there there's no way to know for sure. Based on the information he had he decided to call it a febrile convulsion. Not a seizure because she didn't shake, but a convulsion. It may have been her body's way of resetting itself after being sick and that was all it was. Or we may be dealing with similar episodes in the future. At that point we'd probably do a CT scan or at least consider it; though I've heard that they're only effective if the patient is actually experiencing one at the time they're being scanned... At any rate, needless to say it was a bit of a nightmare and neither Jon nor I wanted to set Sophie down much less let her out of our sight. She's fine. And for that we are forever grateful.

Poor little Sophie! Gah. I can't imagine what I would have done or thought in that situation with Milo. I'm just glad she's okay and is on the mend. Soph-you can't just go around having fibrile convulsions. You just can't. Okay? Okay.