Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Artists in residence...

Lydia started dabbling in different art mediums shortly after her first birthday.  Mulan was her original inspiration.  Thanks to her, Lydia was inspired to draw all over her arms.  I encouraged chalk drawing, play dough, colored pencils, crayons and markers.  On paper.  Emphasis on paper.  She then graduated to neckties, and eventually anything she could get her hands on.  As long as it left a mark.  Each time I found her, I immediately reached for the camera.  Capturing those moments cheerfully, and then reminding her that we don't draw on furniture, was the goal.

Some supervised artwork. 
Cleaning up after taking a pen to the furniture in our Home Teacher room.
 Body wash. It started on her body, but didn't take long before it spread to the bench and the carpet in our closet.

Things calmed down for awhile.  The Sophie got her hands on a green crayon and these ladies put their heads together and went to town on a couple of walls.  So pleased with their masterpiece!

Soap, crayons, paint, markers, pens, chalk, play dough.  Doesn't matter the medium....  I'm sure we'll find these little darlings up to much much more mischief in the years to come!


  1. I can not get enough of that last picture! They look so guilty! And so cute.

  2. Chris says (incredulously), "They drew on the wall?!"
    Then (happily), "Sweet."

  3. Oh my gosh! The first four photos. I. Am. Dying. Especially number four! So adorable! Thankfully Milo has not started drawing on anything but his white board. I'm sure we'll head there soon though. I'm impressed by your presence of mind to snap pictures and not get too upset. I would probably freak out a little bit.

  4. Ha ha! Thank goodness for magic erasers, right?
