Monday, March 21, 2016

Provo City Center Temple

On March 20th we took the family to the Provo City Center Temple Open House. We carpooled with Grandma and Grandpa Frazier and enjoyed listening to the girls tell them stories and Grandpa teasing Lydia. Sophie even sang one of her songs for them on the way home.
The temple was beautiful; inside the building as well as the grounds.  Lydia asked if people were getting married in certain rooms as we walked through our tour. Sophie loved walking (or being carried) up the stairs. Mia didn't complain as she was passed around and everyone remained calm and cheerful through it all. We admired the stained glass windows, the baptistery, the furniture in general. Everything from the carpet to the chandeliers. When I think about these incredible buildings being the Lord's house it's no wonder they're so magnificent. It's not easy (at this time in our lives) to go to the temple as often as we'd like. Especially since our girls are so little and so dependent on us. I know this won't always be the case and for now I'm determined to enjoy where we are in life. "Come what may and love it" (one of my favorite talks by Elder Wirthlin) is the attitude I want to have. Life won't be this way for long and I don't want to look back and wish I'd done things differently.
Once the tour ended the girls really wanted to go to the fountain outside and watch the water. Always a favorite pastime for these ladies.
We also took a close look at the Beehives surrounding the temple. Lydia wanted to walk up the concrete ramps lining the stairs next to the Beehives and Grandpa wanted to see if the Beehives were cut from one solid rock. Because Grandpa's a stone mason things like this are fascinating for all of us. He noticed the caulking surrounding the bricks and it was interesting to discuss the time it must have taken to restore the Tabernacle and everything that went into getting it to the stunning state it's now in. What a remarkable temple. I'm not sure that the girls will remember much, if anything, from this open house, but I'm really glad that we went. They were too young to attend the temple dedication with us yesterday (which was amazing) but I hope that one day they'll be in attendance at another temple dedication.
Just had to share this little gem. The girls found out what CTR stands for and here they are showing off their lovely rings that remind them to Choose The Right.


  1. Becca! Your hair looks great! And this is one of the drawbacks to not living in Utah. I would have LOVED to go to the open house and dedication with you guys! I can't wait to see the inside of this temple.

  2. Love these pictures!! The last one of Sophe is killing me. So cute! And I'm with Sar- I wish we could have gone with you guys. Such an amazing experience!

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