Isaac and Amber kindly offered to watch our girls so that Jon could take me to dinner later that week. An offer we couldn't refuse. Amber wasn't home that evening, but we dropped Lydia and Sophie off and then enjoyed dinner with Mia at the Mandarin. Apparently we should have taken longer (maybe run some errands??) because when we came back to pick up the girls they were disappointed to see us so soon. Clearly, they had had a fabulous time (and wanted to continue that fabulous time) playing with Uncle Isaac. These ladies sure love their Uncles! They love their Aunts too, but they really love their Uncles.
On Mother's Day I got these awesome "All about my Mom" questionnaires from Lyds and Soph that Lydia's preschool teacher had her fill out and Sophie's nursery leaders helped her fill out. I thought I ought to preserve them for posterity and figured anyone else who wanted could enjoy them as well.
This is Lydia's:
My mom is 34 years old.
My mom weighs 4 pounds
My mom's favorite color is blue.
My mom's favorite food is egg casserole.
My mom always says, "I love you."
My mom cooks the best mac-n-cheese.
My mom's job is taking care of the baby.
My mom laughs when my baby gets food on her head.
If my mom had time, she would love to play outside doing pony races.
My mom and I like to paint.
My mom really loves spending time with me.
I LOVE my mom because she's sweet.
This is Sophie's
My mom's name is mommy.
My mom is 14 years old.
My mom weighs 16 pounds.
My mom's job is taking care of us.
My mom's favorite food is potatoes.
My mom laughs when I say BANANA!
My mom always says, "I love you."
My mom's favorite color is blue.
My mom cooks the best eggs.
If my mom had time, she would love to run around.
My mom and I like to color.
I love my mom because she loves me.
Oh my goodness! The cuteness! I can't wait until Milo is old enough to do something like this! Oh wait, he is! I should totally do this with him! I like that they both said that you say "I love you" a lot. That means you're doing it right. 😉