Thursday, June 5, 2014

We've made it 5 years!

Happy anniversary Jon!  The day started at 1:30 with Sophie crying out.  Teething, no doubt.  Lydia walks in to Sophie's room and I tell her I'll be in to check on her as soon as I calm Sophie down.  Sophie's almost asleep when Lydia can't wait any longer.  I set Sophie down and thankfully she doesn't cry out much, because Lydia's need is greater.  "Stuff came out of my mouth," she tells me.  Throw up all over the bed, on her favorite blanky (which soothes her to sleep) and on Daisy, her dog.  I change her sheets as quickly and quietly as possible, knowing that Jon needs to be up at 5:30 and on the road by 6:00 so he can head to Manila and slay dragons for us, and want him to get as much sleep as possible.

Not surprisingly, the day ended with Jon and Sophie falling asleep on the love sac and Lydia staying up way past her bedtime.

Despite the weeks and weeks of Jon's overtime and hours and hours of service in our church callings, oh, and the months and months of nightly wakings with our darling daughters, I wouldn't change life as we know it for a minute!  Thanks for the adventure the last five years has been!  I'm looking forward to the next five, and the five after that, and the five after that, and all the excitement yet to come!