Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kindergarten, Here we come!

Lydia's had an awesome preschool experience. She loved her teacher last year and loves her teacher this year. She had a moment this year where she started crying because she missed  her class from last year. We talked about it and I encouraged her to enjoy the time she spent with Ms Bonnie and her class because once school let out she wouldn't be able to go back. She said she'd do her best.
This was her last day of class with a program later that evening. Lydia did her part well. She asked, "do you know how many months there are in a year?" And a classmate answered, "it's more than I can count on my fingers!" The class then sang a song with all the months in the year. Lydia was so cute up there, but she got some serious stage fright. We could hear say her part and we knew that she was singing during the songs, but she was the only one up there who wouldn't do the actions. Jon and I asked her about it and she said that she was shy, and that everybody would laugh at her if she did them. Also, she has Jon and me for parents. That might have something to do with it...
Lydia liked coloring in preschool. She's made incredible progress in both her coloring and her writing, among other things. I'm super impressed with her penmanship and she and I have had some fun with word families. She's great at coming up with -an words and -op words, and -ill words to name a few. Ms Bonnie did all sorts of fun things and even sent each student home with a collection of recipes they cooked during the school year. One of the big things they did was make passports and travel all over the world. I loved Lydia coming home and telling us how to say hello and goodbye in Japanese, German, Portuguese and other languages. She says she's really really going to miss drawing with Ms Bonnie. And she's going to miss her friends too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Officially 34, but not according to Sophie!!

My birthday was on a Tuesday this year. I got to do some rather intense yoga with Jillian Michaels and my Young Women that night. Totally worth it. But the celebrating actually started General Conference Sunday the 3rd (Mom Frazier's birthday) when we got to watch Conference together and eat some cake and ice cream. A Baskin Robbins Pralines and Cream ice cream cake, to be precise. Such a tasty tradition. Jon made my favorite Better Than Anything Cake which we shared with the Blackhurst side that evening. I love that my birthday is always close to Conference weekend and that I get to spend it with so many family members!

Isaac and Amber kindly offered to watch our girls so that Jon could take me to dinner later that week. An offer we couldn't refuse. Amber wasn't home that evening, but we dropped Lydia and Sophie off and then enjoyed dinner with Mia at the Mandarin. Apparently we should have taken longer (maybe run some errands??) because when we came back to pick up the girls they were disappointed to see us so soon.  Clearly, they had had a fabulous time (and wanted to continue that fabulous time) playing with Uncle Isaac. These ladies sure love their Uncles! They love their Aunts too, but they really love their Uncles.

On Mother's Day I got these awesome "All about my Mom" questionnaires from Lyds and Soph that Lydia's preschool teacher had her fill out and Sophie's nursery leaders helped her fill out. I thought I ought to preserve them for posterity and figured anyone else who wanted could enjoy them as well.

This is Lydia's:
My mom is 34 years old.
My mom weighs 4 pounds
My mom's favorite color is blue.
My mom's favorite food is egg casserole.
My mom always says, "I love you."
My mom cooks the best mac-n-cheese.
My mom's job is taking care of the baby.
My mom laughs when my baby gets food on her head.
If my mom had time, she would love to play outside doing pony races.
My mom and I like to paint.
My mom really loves spending time with me.
I LOVE my mom because she's sweet.

This is Sophie's
My mom's name is mommy.
My mom is 14 years old.
My mom weighs 16 pounds.
My mom's job is taking care of us.
My mom's favorite food is potatoes.
My mom laughs when I say BANANA!
My mom always says, "I love you."
My mom's favorite color is blue.
My mom cooks the best eggs.
If my mom had time, she would love to run around.
My mom and I like to color.
I love my mom because she loves me.