Sunday, August 13, 2017

Happy 4th!

Unbelievably we made it to Grandma and Grandpa Blackhurst's ward breakfast early this year. We didn't get the message that the start time had changed, so while we waited for the flag raising ceremony our little family took a walk around the block. It was incredibly hot for 7:30 in the morning, but the company was the best and on top of that, it was nice to get out and move. We met Grandpa Blackhurst and joined those gathered for the ceremony before heading inside for a fourth of July message from Brother Faber. God bless the USA. I always love singing the troops songs. And then we went outside and enjoyed the yummy food while chatting with family. Aunt Crista and Uncle Dallin and some of their kids were there this year. It was great to catch up with them before heading off to Kaysville for the parade.

We made it in plenty of time to get situated before the parade (which, by the way, was BLAZING HOT!) started and got to enjoy time with Grandma and Grandpa Frazier and the Talbots. The Pynes made it just before the parade got going and we shared an umbrella with Aunt Stacey so that we didn't entirely melt. Sophie just wanted to watch it. Mia loved picking up rocks she found in the street. And Lydia eventually chose to chill in the shade with Grandma and Grandpa. The candy was okay but, surprisingly, not as important to our girls as I would have suspected. And that was kind of nice too. Jon referred to it as the Kaysville value pages parade. When did those awesome ward floats stop being a thing? So many ads. Still so fun to watch with these ladies.

Then we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Fraziers for lunch. So much yummy food! But that's not what the girls had been looking forward to. They couldn't wait to go swimming in the pool! They were eager to hold the hose if it meant speeding things up. We didn't bring a swim diaper for Mia, so we got to test just how super absorbent Pampers really are. And boy howdy, they sure are!! Mia ended up with quite the ghetto booty. Or Bubble bum, if you will. And it didn't bother her at all. Especially when Grandma offered her an ice cream bar. Soph was so fun to watch snorkeling. She'd been looking forward to using her goggles for months. And there was plenty of splashing with the cousins.

The we found ourselves back in Bountiful for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Blackhurst's and Aunts, Uncles and cousins, which consisted of more yummy food. Everything was going so well and it was so fun to talk to some of the family we don't see as often as others when Lydia got burned. We were roasting marshmallows and Lydia picked a roaster that somebody else had been using. She held onto the opposite end, the end we put our marshmallows on, and discovered rather rapidly that it was sizzling hot. It left a welt in the shape of twisted metal and quickly formed a blister. Oh the tears! She was clearly in a lot of pain and while we took turns soaking it in cold water and icing it, cousins Ben and Leila were very concerned. Ben talked about Maddie's burns and told Lydia that she'd feel better and Leila kept asking if she was alright. They both checked on her again and again after Jon retrieved the first aid kit from the car and sat with her in another room well they treated her wound. It was so sweet to see everyone's concern and we really appreciated the love we felt from family. Lydia bounced back pretty quickly, though she was insistent on keeping a Band-Aid on the burn for several days after.
And right after we had cleaned up from dinner and were inside we got a visit from a very large bear. A bear so big and furry that we quickly referred to him as the Polar Bear Dog! The girls were happy to be inside at this point and a little concerned that we were going to run into him on our way to the car. Which, fortunately, was something we didn't need to worry about.

And then we were back in Kaysville for fireworks. We had a great spot by Grandma and Grandpa Frazier and the Talbots. While we waited for the show to start, the girls wrapped themselves up in our blanket, snacked on fruit and crackers, and giggled/wrestled each other. Mia opted to not wear her head phones when the fireworks started, but she enjoyed playing with them. A friendly spectator offered the girls some glow sticks and Mia really enjoyed hers. Sophie wore hers home with the hope that she'd be able to enjoy it for several more days. Before the fireworks started we discovered that sprinklers were going off in various parts of the field. Seems like whoever was in charge of turning them off had forgotten about that, and it was pretty easy to know where the sprinklers were at because whoever was getting hit by them started screaming and running. We made it to the end of the show before the sprinklers went off in our area, but while we were walking back to Jon's parents and our car we got hit just a little bit. It was quite the debacle, but pretty entertaining too. And it was still so hot that the cool sprinklers were welcome.  Such a fun and exhausting day! One we look forward to each year!

And just three days before this we got to spend some time with the Frazier side at the Frazier family reunion in Deweyville. We got a visit from "Ephraim Hanks" (a friend of Uncle Larry) who told us the story of crossing the plains and the miracles that happened when he followed the call of Brigham Young to help his fellow travelers. He played a role in rescuing the Martin Handcart company. He was an amazing man. He was able to find scarce buffalo and kill them so that he could take the meat to the starving pioneers. It was awesome to hear his story and Sophie and Lydia loved riding his horse afterward.
I loved watching Mia run around, and the three of them play on the playground. And it's always fun to see the Fraziers do relays and get into the games. They're so competitive!
The huge bounce house was a hit too, and super popular with the kids! So great to spend time with all these Fraziers!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Lydia, Kindergarten grad and professional singer/ballerina

Clearly we have some catching up to do. And, as a result this post is going to be chalk full of Lydia stories and her accomplishments. A few months ago I sent a text to Nate because she told me that she plans to name one of her sons Nate when she's all grown up. Nate, Adele and Casey. Just FYI. Here's the text: "She's actually a pro at not only identifying Adele when she hears her on the radio, but also telling me the title of the song she's singing. 😄 Pretty amazing, that one! Hello (with the missionary parody) was where her love for Adele started. She also plans to be on the radio one day. 😏 Fair warning!! But I honestly think she could be and she'd be great. She sang me a song on the walk home from school about how change is hard and she doesn't love playing outside at recess. Poor kid!"

Back in January Lydia dropped a ten pound weight on her toe right before her ballet class.
It was clearly black and blue from the start, but she was tough and a week or so later it wasn't bothering her to badly and we didn't think much about it. We didn't think much about it until April 1st when Lyds disappeared during the Saturday morning session of General Conference. I called to her and she came sobbing to the top of the stairs. She told us that she'd prayed three times but she didn't want us to rip her toenail off. She didn't even want us to look at it. Apparently it was too ugly.
There was quite a bit of blood, and the nail was 90% separated from her toe, but she did not want us to pull it all the way off. Not yet anyway. Jon rinsed her toe off in the bath while I read 101 Dalmatians to her. He wrapped it up and we kept a Band-Aid on it for a few days. About a week later the nail came off and she handled that really well. Her nail has grown in beautifully, but it was kind of fun to have that bond with her when I lost three toenails training for my race. She told lots of family and friends about her lost toenail and how her mom had lost some too.

In February Lydia's Kindergarten class wrote thank you Valentine's to soldiers. She said she wished she could write one to Grandpa Andrus. Shortly after he passed away she prayed about him and how happy she was that he was back with his wife. I needed to hear that. I'm happy for him too. I just miss him. Then, a few weeks later I went in to volunteer in Lydia's class and Miss Shelley told me that I was in trouble. Lydia had been holding hands with Conner. Miss Shelley said she's just so sweet and kind and cute. And that's why we're in trouble. All the boys are going to like her. Lydia told us that she didn't want to mean and pull her hand away. They sat together at each table that day, but after we discussed that she didn't need to hold his hand if she didn't want to, she just told him no.

About this same time her teacher told me about Layton High's The Little Mermaid. She thought Lydia would really enjoy it, so we bought tickets for our family and were really excited to go to it. Unfortunately Mia caught a stomach bug that she quickly passed along to Sophie and the three of us were home puking while Lydia and Jon were enjoying the show. What a fun Daddy/daughter date! Jon said that she LOVED it! She was clapping so much and on the edge of her seat. She kept on asking if there was more, and sang along with the cast. So glad it was such a fun experience for her!

We went to the store to find a gift for a friend's birthday party and we found a Troll's microphone. Lyds took a moment right then and there to sing her heart out. I love these three little ladies and their singing and their enthusiasm for life. It's delightful!

She's composed a few songs of her own. Hand Hold, which I love. (May 1st).
And a Breakup song. Pretty sure she found her inspiration from Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts lyrics. It's titled, Who Do You Think You Are? By Lydia Frazier. "Who do you think you are? Tearing up all the love, crashing down all the waves." I'm sure there will be more to it as time goes on.

Check phone for other fun Lydia stories.

Saturday June 24th was Lydia's Clytie Adams ballet recital. She was the cutest little forget me not! She worked hard all year and loved her teacher and her classmates.
Top (L to R): Claire, Kaydence, Anna, Lily, Kate
Bottom (L to R): Ellie, Lydia, Emily, Brooklyn, Marley

One day when Jon was picking her up from class Lydia's teacher came out to tell him how much Lydia had grown since her first day of ballet. She knew nothing at the beginning and now she's confident and picks up on the dance moves quickly. She also mentioned that she's so positive and joyful and she just loved having her in class. We loved watching her perform.

Her brilliant smile was my favorite, as was making faces with into my phone after it was all over.

Lydia's Kindergarten program was June 28th and she performed her part beautifully. Her line was, "Not just me, we're all Magical!" Before the classes sang Magical Me. Someone said she had major stage presence and she knew it! Not so!!!! This girl is shy!! But she has grown leaps and bounds in her confidence. My friends nieces decided to pick out the cutest girl and chose the one in yellow. Lyds!! So cute! She knew the songs so we'll and she sang right to us and did all the actions she was supposed to. We were sitting far to the side, so while everyone else was facing front and center Lydia was singing her heart out to us. Soph was dancing along with her and is so excited for the day she'll be in Kindergarten. Miss Shelley is the best!!

And two days later was the last day of school. Lydia decided she didn't want to go at the last minute. The thought of moving on to 1st grade was too much for her. I finally convinced her that if she didn't go, she'd be missing her last day with Miss Shelley- the teacher she wished could move up each grade with her for the rest of her life- and that would be worse than facing the last day of school. So she went into class very reluctantly and I cried after I dropped her off. Ridiculous, I know. But she made it. There were more tears on her end after school, but I'd much rather know she loved her class and her teacher than have her hold it in or not care at all. This little lady feels things pretty deeply!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sophie, so fun! And so grown up. First year of preschool flew right by!

A few months ago we were all gathered around the bathroom, getting ready for bed. I'm helping Mia brush her teeth when Sophie speaks up, "Mom? Will you please wipe my bum?"
Me, 😒"sure"
Followed by Sophie singing, "you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." 😂😂😂 Thank you Anna Kendrick.

This little lady has the best comedic timing. Mia in particular thinks she's hysterical. We all love her sense of humor. Especially her made up words. "Pine-go Shine-go means you are a stinker," says Soph. Not that we hear it all that often... ;) Deceptable is another classic. There's a game involved. But apparently I never let her play it.... But we love her secret language. She does crazy dances that entertain us, and she's a great help to me all the time. She loves to help me in the kitchen. She's great at getting Mia down for a nap. She folded a load of little girl laundry the other day and I appreciate that she's so willing and cheerful as she works.

I love reading with her. The other day I was reading Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth to her. We were discussing what stars are made of and then Soph started teaching me, "the sun is made out of a fireball. And the moon is made out of blue water." I love finding out what goes on in that beautiful little mind of hers!
Sophie gave her first primary talk on February 11th 2017. Her topic was "Disciples are blessed for Choosing the Right"

She showed Gospel Art #209 "Calling of the Fisherman" and read the summary on the back. Which states, "One day, Jesus taught from Peter's boat on the Sea of Galilee. Afterward He told Peter to take the boat to deep water and let out the nets to catch fish. Peter explained that he and others had been fishing all night without catching anything, but he said he would do as Jesus commanded. Peter and his brother Andrew caught so many fish that their net began to break. James and John came in another boat to help. The fishermen were all amazed. Jesus called Peter and Andrew to follow Him and become fishers of men. He also called James and John. They all left their boats and nets and followed Jesus."

Then she continued with the part she wrote (with a little help from her parents), "Peter and Andrew and James and John were blessed for following Jesus. They saw many miracles. They got to know Jesus and learned from His teachings. They received the Priesthood. I  know we can be blessed when we follow Jesus and choose the right. I feel good when I help my parents make my bed and clean up and put clothes away. I love to choose the right. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."

She spoke so well and clear when she gave her talk. It was awesome! And then she volunteered to speak again in March!

Her first year of preschool was awesome. She didn't ever need me to walk her inside Ms Lisa's classroom. She was so excited about school the moment she realized that she'd be going to her own class one day that when the day finally arrived she didn't hesitate a bit! She made some great friends. Some of her closest friends are Kyrie, Sadie and Hallie. She, along with three others, dressed up as Minnie Mouse for Halloween. I volunteered to read a few stories at their Halloween party. Bella and Boris, The Spider and the Fly and The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything.

She loved her teacher, and she would tell us about trouble makers in her class who were not obedient. She is a ruler follower and a great student. Ms Lisa evaluated Soph three times throughout the year. Halfway through the year she wrote, "Sophie is such a sweet girl. She knows a lot. I can tell you work with her at home." And in her final evaluation, "Sophie is such a calm sweet girl! I've really enjoyed having her in class."

She is so excited to read! She's been working on it for the past few months and is improving daily. Her handwriting is getting better too. She told me "that she'll never be nervous to go to school. Not any school. Not even to college!" And I have no doubt she's right! Love this girl!!

Also, I should mention that she's become quite the party planner. Yesterday she decided that she wanted to have a tea party at 2:00 and invite her sisters and me to it. Jon would totally be invited but since it was during work hours we'll have to get him another time. Anyway, she planned what blanket we'd use, what tray for the refreshments (slices of provolone, Pringles and apples) and that we'd all be drinking raspberry lemonade. It was well planned and wonderful. I definitely think she has a future in party planning! 😉